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Thursday 30 August 2012

Australian Student Visa : Who is this visa for?

About this Visa

International students studying in Australia on a student visa may require a guardian if they are under 18 years of age. There may also be exceptional circumstances where a student over 18 years of age may need a guardian for religious or cultural reasons.

The Student Guardian visa is for foreign nationals applying to stay in Australia as the guardian of a student who is studying in Australia.
You will need to read this information if you are:
  • applying for your first student guardian visa to Australia
  • already in Australia on a student guardian visa and want a subsequent visa.
In most circumstances, if you have a child under six, you will not be eligible for the grant of a Student Guardian visa.
In very limited circumstances, where you have a child under 6 who holds a passport of a country that is subject to Assessment Level 1 or 2 under the Schools Sector (subclass 571) student visa and you present compelling and compassionate circumstances as to why you should be granted a Student Guardian visa and you meet all other requirements, you may be eligible for a Student Guardian visa. further more click here

What does the visa let me do?

If you are granted this visa, you can:
  • live in Australia for the same length of time as the student for whom you are guardian, or until the student turns 18 years of age
  • bring dependent children with you to Australia, but only if they are under six years of age and meet specific eligibility requirements
  • study in Australia for up to three months. If you lodged your application on or after 24 March 2012, you have unlimited part-time study rights for English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) study only, (this means that you may study any ELICOS courses less than 20 hours per week for the duration of your visa).
For more information please visit : Future Concern

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Student Visa Processing Times

The table below details the processing time service standards for visas for studying in Australia.
Note: We aim to process applications within these service standards, however, actual processing times may vary depending on a range of factors.
Visa applicationLodged in AustraliaLodged outside Australia
Assessment LevelLevel 1 or 2Level 3 or 4Level 1Level 2Level 3 or 4
(subclass 570, 571, 572, 573, 574, 575, 576, 580)
Note: Student Guardian visa processing times are based on the Assessment Level of the nominating student.
14 days1 month14 days21 days3 months
Students: permission to work7 days7 daysn/a
Assessment Levels: Student visa Assessment Levels are determined by the passport you hold and the visa subclass you are applying for.

Streamlined visa processing

Streamlined visa processing commenced on 24 March 2012. Processing time information is currently being developed and will be available shortly.

For more Information please visit Future Concern

Skilled Migration Visa Processing Times

Skilled Migration
The department also publishes information listing the lodgement dates of applications that have been or will soon be allocated to case officers.

Processing priority groups and order of processing

Priority processing arrangements apply to skilled migration applications. They determine the order in which the department considers applications. Applications accorded a higher priority under the arrangements will be processed ahead of lower priority applications, regardless of when the application is lodged.
The following table details processing priorities for skilled migration applications.
Note: The highest priority is listed first. SkillSelect applications (187, 186, 190 and 489) will be the highest priority in each group.
Priority Group Number
Application Type
Applications under the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS).
Applications under the Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS).
Nominated by a state or territory government agency for an occupation specified on that agency’s State Migration Plan (SMP).

Order of processing will be:
  1. applications lodged from 1 July 2012 through SkillSelect (subclass 190 and 489 applications)
  2. applications in this priority for other General Skilled Migration (GSM) subclasses (subclass 176, 475, 487 and 886 applications).
Applications with nominated occupations on the Skilled Occupation List Schedule 1.

Order of processing will be:
  1. applications lodged from 1 July 2012 through SkillSelect (subclass 189 and 489 applications)
  2. applications within this priority for other GSM subclasses (subclass 175, 176, 475, 487, 885 and 886 applications).
All other applications, which include the following
Note: These subclasses are not listed in order of processing:
  1. applications for a State or Territory Sponsored visa (subclass 176, 475, 487 and 886 applications) where a state or territory approved nomination has either not been provided or has not been accepted by the department
  2. applications for a Skilled Independent visa (subclass 175 and 885 applications) where the nominated occupation is not on the SOL
  3. applications for a family sponsored skilled migration visa (subclass 176, 475, 487, 496 and 886 applications) where the nominated occupation is not on the SOL.

Processing times – skilled migration applications affected by processing priorities

The below table describes the processing times for skilled migration visa subclasses.
Priority Group NumberVisa SubclassProcessing Time
(subclass 119, 857)
Skilled Regional
Low risk – 5 months
High risk – 8 months
(subclass 187)
6 months
(subclass 121, 856)
Low risk – 5 months
High risk – 8 months
(subclass 186)
6 months
(subclass 176, 475, 487, 886)
12 months
SkillSelect SMP
(subclass 190 and 489)
6 months
4Nominated Occupation on the SOL – Schedule 1
(subclass 175, 495, 496, 861, 862, 863, 880, 881, 882, 883, 885 and 176, 475, 487 if not SMP)
18 months
SkillSelect Independent and Family Sponsored
(subclass 189 and 489)
12 months
5All visas listed in priority 3 and 4 that are not SMP or Nominated Occupation on the SOL – Schedule 1Assessment will commence when all cases in priority groups 1-4 are finalised

Processing times – skilled migration applications exempt from processing priorities

The following visa subclasses are exempt from priority processing. These subclasses are processed in the order in which they are received.
Visa Subclass
Processing Time
4767 months
48512 months
489 Subsequent entrant/ Renewal6 months
8876 months
120, 855Low risk – 5 months
High risk – 8 months

Definition – low/high risk

The terms 'Low risk' and 'High risk' show whether passport holders are eligible to apply for an Electronic Travel Authority (ETA). Low risk applies to nationals from countries which issue ETA eligible passports. A list of these can be found on the department's website. High risk countries are those which are not ETA eligible. 
More information on worker category visas is available.
More information visit Future Concern .

Planning to apply for an Australian visa online?

The Australian visa application is a precise and meticulous process that entails time, patience and understanding. It can also bring out confusion, time-wasting, frustration and can be costly for applicants especially those who are not confident to tackle the complexities of the visa application process.
Now, the Australian immigration policies, regulations and guidelines in all its technicalities are basically very strict and specific, causing visa applicants who are unaware of all of the conditions to easily lodge an invalid application.

Consultant for Australia

Along with it continuing to become more extremely complex and continually changing, becoming much stricter, making migrating to Australia a much more complicated and complex process, it has now become increasingly more difficult for applicants to prepare and lodge an informed Australia visa application.
Therefore, there is now a need for applicants to be well-versed in these complexities of the Australian immigration laws and Australian visa requirements if you want to have a high chance of getting a successful visa approval.
Fortunately, if you do not feel confident in lodging a visa application, or if you do not have the time, resources or expertise to prepare and lodge a visa application by yourself, or if your case is complex, the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) does allow and recommend you to engage a registered migration agent to assist with your visa application and help you in your dealings with the department.
A registered migration agent is regulated by a governing authority called who ensures that only suitable persons are registered as migration agents, and these registered agents maintain appropriate knowledge to enable them to provide accurate immigration advice to their clients.
In applying for a visa, you potentially have only one chance at success as well as at disappointment, time wasting, and the expensive costs of the visa application. It is imperative for you to really ensure that you firstly apply for the right visa, and secondly, use the most appropriate approach, guaranteeing you with a high chance of a successful visa grant. This can be done by engaging the services of a reputable registered migration agent.
Such reputable registered migration agents have a good knowledge of migration laws, its complexities and the criteria applicable to presenting a valid and accurate immigration application. They also know how to best compile, prepare and present your case to the department of immigration; thus, ensuring the best approach was used in gaining a successful visa grant.
Future Concern can also give you advice on the most appropriate visa for you, ensuring that you apply for the most appropriate visa, as visa applicants are not always aware of the most suitable visa for their circumstances because of the numerous visa subclasses and the ever-changing immigration laws.
They will also ensure that you have stated the correct information on the many application forms as well have presented the correct supporting evidence and submit a substantial submission with your application, making sure that every single aspect of the applicable law, regulations and procedures in relation to your case and the supporting evidence you supplied are addressed and accounted for as incomplete or inaccurate visa applications will lead to time delays and may possibly require re-application which is especially critical given that the government will not refund application fees.
With these situations in mind, if you’re planning to engage the services of a registered Future Concern, National Visas, Australia’s top leading world-class online Australian immigration expert, does have a team of Australia’s most experienced registered migration agents.
With their high level of experience and specific knowledge of the all the complexities of the immigration process, National Visas registered migration agents can well represent you through the entire potentially challenging, stressful and lengthy Australian immigration process, easily tailoring your visa applications to suit your individual visa requirements and situation and reducing your exposure to such confusing and stressful elements of the visa application process, making your visa application easier and hassle-free.

For more information click here

Wednesday 8 August 2012


Pakistan is among those countries whose large population lives abroad. These expatriate Pakistanis play an important role in the development of the country. Another term common in use is Non-Resident Pakistanis or NRPs. They not only send billions of dollars every year in form of foreign exchange remittances but they also are instrumental in transfer of latest technologies in various fields and improvement of basic infrastructure in Pakistan. Some countries now are home of third or even fourth generation of Pakistani expatriates. Great Britain was the first country of attraction for Non-Resident Pakistanis and this migration dates back to mid 1950s. It was followed by many other important Western countries like USA, Canada, Germany, Italy, and Netherlands in 1960s. The advent of 1970s saw mass migration to Norway where Non-Resident Pakistanis are the largest single community outside native Norwegians. All these countries are now home to third, and in some cases fourth generation of Pakistani expatriates. Now citizens of these countries of Pakistani origin are placed at very important places. They are members of parliament, judges, leading scientists, doctors, accountants and engineers, and last but not the least very successful entrepreneurs in these countries. One of bright example is Haq Nawaz Akhtar Chaudhry – Vice President of Norwegian Parliament (The Storting). Another important destination for Non-Resident Pakistanis is the Middle East. Since 1970s, Non-Resident Pakistanis in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain and other Middle Eastern and Gulf countries are sending billions of dollars every year to Pakistan.
Statistics reveal that remittances by Non-Resident Pakistanis is the second largest source of foreign exchange coming in to Pakistan, following exports of commodities and services in the international market.  According to State Bank of Pakistan’s figures for the fiscal year of 2011-12, foreign exchange remittances exceed 1.1 billion dollars every month, amounting to 13 billion dollars in a year. These remittances are backbone in sustenance of Pakistan’s economy.  The growth is absolutely incredible, not just in terms of dollar figures, but in particular due to the massive percentage data that was registered.
As the phenomenon of immigration from Pakistan to the developed world is ever growing since last three or four decades, people of Pakistan take every possible effort for immigration to developed countries like USA, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand and other European countries. These countries provide permanent residence and eventually citizenship to these immigrant Pakistanis. When we say every possible effort, it includes both legal and illegal ways for immigrating to developed countries. Illegal human trafficking was on rise in past decades, but now gradually falling down due to strict measures taken by respective governments. The international borders are no longer as permeable as they were in the past. Illegal human traffickers are killed or caught and subsequently deported back to Pakistan.
In the wake of very difficult illegal human trafficking, the best possible and honorable way of immigration remains legal ways for immigrating to the developed countries. Many developed countries offer legal immigration to skilled professionals, businessmen including investors, entrepreneurs and self-employed people, and also to students and professionals with exceptional exhibition in their respective fields. There are many immigration consulting companies operating in Pakistan and some of them offer very high level of professional advise to all those who are seeking immigration to developed countries like USA, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand and other European countries. The corporate data and analysis shows that among these professional immigration consulting companies, Future Concern Associates (Pvt) Limited tops the list of all immigration consulting companies in terms of sending highest number of people abroad in last 17 years. Statistics reveal that Future Concern Associates (Pvt) Limited helps thousands of Pakistanis every year by providing right consultancy in all areas of immigration including skilled professionals, businessmen including investors, entrepreneurs and self-employed people, and also to students and professionals with exceptional exhibition in their respective fields. FutureConcern Associates (Pvt) Limited is a world renowned immigration consultant and heads a team of high-class professionals. This is one of the reason why illegal human trafficking is being gradually giving way to professional immigration companies like Future Concern Associates (Pvt) Limited.  As the role of Pakistani expatriates increase in the development of Pakistan, subsequently direct role of immigration consultants providing professional advice like. No wonder foreign exchange remittances by Non-Resident Pakistanis hit 20 billion dollars per year figure within next few years.


A recently released independent report claims that UK Border Agency staff processing visa applications from Africa had been "acting unfairly" and were wrongly refusing people entry to the UK.

The reported carried out by John Vine, Chief inspector to the UKBA, claimed that many visas were unfairly rejected after employees "disregarded or misinterpreted" evidence. According to Vine, some UK visa applicants had been refused entry for not failing to provide information that had not been originally requested.

The UKBA responded to the report saying they took the findings "seriously" and would look into it.

The report detailed Vine's inspection from May 2011 to July 2011 and examined the applications processed at four UKBA visa centres in South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya and Croydon, south London.

Various reasons for visa rejections were cited in the report, including one case, where an applicant wishing to visit his uncle in the UK was denied entry because they had different family names.

Vine said there has been little progress made by the UKBA despite recommendations made in previous inspections.

"This is especially frustrating", he said, "considering the agency has accepted the recommendations, and yet I continue to identify the same issues. I would now like to see these recommendations being embraced by the agency without delay to ensure that there is a real improvement in the quality and consistency of decision making."

"We take the independent chief inspector's findings seriously and are making reforms, which include providing detailed guidance to applicants and improving the training for staff handling visa applications," a UKBA spokesman said. "The UKBA must offer a high quality service for genuine applicants while ensuring that those who do not meet the immigration rules are prevented from entering the UK."
There are Number of matters like For more Information you can check Google News or for further Info visit Future Concern

Tuesday 7 August 2012

UK Immigration Rules

As of 9 July 2012, a number of changes to the UK Immigration Rules came into effect. These changes affect all non-European Economic Area (non-EEA) nationals applying to enter or remain in the UK under the family migration route.

The changes include:

- Introducing a new minimum income threshold of £18,600 for sponsoring settlement in the UK of a non-EEA spouse or partner, fiancé(e) or proposed ci
vil partner. If you wish to sponsor a child you will have to meet the higher threshold of £22,400 instead of £18,600. Each additional child will cost £2,400 to sponsor.

- Publishing a list of factors associated with genuine and non-genuine relationships, to help UK Border Agency officers make accurate decisions.

- Extending the minimum probationary period for settlement for non-EEA spouses and partners from two years to five years, to test the genuineness of the relationship.

- Abolishing immediate settlement for migrant spouses and partners where a couple have been living together overseas for at least four years.

- Allowing adult and elderly dependants to settle in the UK only where they can demonstrate that, as a result of age, illness or disability, they require a level of long-term personal care that can only be provided by a relative in the UK. Also requiring them to apply from overseas rather than switch in the UK from another category.

- Restricting family visit visa appeals, initially by narrowing the current definitions of family and sponsor for appeal purposes, and then, subject to the passage of the Crime and Courts Bill, removing the full right of appeal against refusal of a family visit visa.

- Please note, if you already have leave to enter or remain in the UK, on the basis of being the spouse or partner of a settled person, you will need to meet the rules which were in force before 9 July 2012 if you apply for settlement. The requirements before 9 July 2012 are much more straightforward and you only need to wait two years to gain indefinite leave to remain in the UK as a spouse or partner.

On 11 June 2012, The UK Government announced these changes as part of their plans to reform the UK's immigration rules. The changes are the government's response to recommendations made by the Migration Advisory Committee.

Guy Taylor, of the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI), claims the changes are highly discriminatory. JCWI is currently lobbying parliament to have the laws relaxed.

"Young people, women, disabled and older people are going to be disproportionately affected by this rule," Taylor said, citing the fact that adult and elderly dependants can settle in the UK only where they can demonstrate that, as a result of age, illness or disability, they require a level of long term personal care that can only be provided by a relative in the UK.

Also, from October 2013, the UKBA will require all applicants for settlement to pass the Life in the UK Test and an intermediate level English language test at B1 level or above, unless they are exempt. Previously only those applying for citizenship had to meet these requirements.


Thursday 2 August 2012

Worldwide Trends in Studying Abroad

Students today cannot escape the reality that having an understanding of other parts of the world and openness to other cultures is likely to play a part in their future career. Whether working in the private or publicly, chances are there will be some aspect of their job that will involve working with people in other countries or with people who have come from other cultures. As a result, students worldwide are studying abroad more frequently both on their own initiative and because higher education institutions are putting a greater emphasis on international studies. This article discusses the trends that are occurring in the study abroad arena.
English as Language of Instruction
Countries all over the world are increasing the availability of coursework taught in English, usually for the purpose of attracting a greater breadth of international students. Since English is a common second language for many students, coursework taught in English is accessible to a great many more students than courses taught in a language spoken in only a few countries.
Dual and Joint Graduate Degrees
Increased collaboration between graduate schools from different countries has resulted in an increase of dual and joint degree programs that are being offered. These programs allow students to earn either one degree or two degrees simultaneously at two different universities in different countries. These are most commonly master's level degrees but can be doctoral level degrees as well. Undergraduate dual and joint degrees are less common but are also growing in number.
Business degrees are the most common type of dual or joint degree program.
The US, Europe, China and India have the highest numbers of these collaborative degree programs. Business degrees are the most common type of dual or joint degree program, followed by engineering, physical sciences and social sciences. These programs increase the number of students studying abroad at schools that offer this option.
Worldwide University Collaboration
More opportunities for study and research abroad is likely to result from an increasing focus on collaboration among higher education institutions from countries all over the world. There have been two Bologna Policy Forums which have included representatives from far beyond Europe. The 2nd conference, held in March 2010, was attended by 73 countries and focused on globalization of higher education through cooperation and collaboration among the world's higher education institutions.
More opportunities for study and research abroad is likely to result from an increasing focus on collaboration.
There have also been an increasing number of global organizations that are actively working towards the development of globalization of higher education. Organizations such as the International Association of Universities, UNESCO, the Global Colloquium of University Presidents and the European University Association are all looking at ways to increase cooperation and collaboration among the world's universities and colleges.
Schools are increasingly contracting with education placement agencies.
In their efforts to attract more students from a wider spectrum of countries, schools are increasingly contracting with education placement agencies to help recruit foreign students to their schools. These agencies receive a commission fee from the school for each student that attends, or in some cases they work independently and receive payment from the student. These agencies provide a way for schools to recruit students from countries where they don't send their own recruitment staff.
Schools around the world have ramped up the services available to support international students.
In recent years, schools around the world have ramped up the services available to support international students. Schools may hope to attract more international students by making it as easy as possible for international students to feel welcome by providing as much assistance as they need. Typical services support students with both administrative and social aspects of their experience. Administrative services may include expertise and advice regarding:
For Further information please visit : FutureConcern 

Selecting a Country for Studying Abroad

While planning which country to study in is an amazing experience. It is easy for images of living in a foreign country, visiting famous landmarks and studying in historic or exotic locals to overshadow more practical considerations such as the cost of living, quality of education and visa requirements. Most students will probably have an idea of what countries they would like to study abroad in but may not have thought through all the issues that should be considered at when making this decision. This article discusses topics that students should consider when choosing a country in which to study abroad.

Visa Requirements
In some places, obtaining a visa can be arduous and time-consuming.
Most countries require that international students obtain a visa which is usually specific to students and typically defines a maximum amount of time the student may stay. Some countries have a separate visa for short-term students and for those studying in the country for more than a year. Visa requirements vary by country and in some places, the process can be arduous and time-consuming. Some typical requirements are discussed below:
 Fluency of language – Some countries including Australia, Canada UK require students prove English fluency by obtaining a minimum score on a English language test. Some schools set language requirements as an admissions requirement. Most students can take foreign language exams in their home country to prove language proficiency.
Medical Insurance – Required almost all countries in the world to have proof of medical insurance and proof that the insurance is valid in that country. Some countries offer students the option of buying health insurance within the country.
Financial Resources - proof of student has the financial resources required to study and live in that country. Documents required may include a bank financial statement etc
Residency requirements – Residency requirements for students who want to enroll as a full-degree student are rare but in some countries, students who want to study as a full-degree undergraduate student need to reside in the country for several years before they can enroll. In other countries, international students are limited to short-term studies.
Cultural Differences
Someone who finds it difficult to acclimate should choose a similar culture to their own.
Individuals assimilate to other cultures with differing amounts of ease – some are very flexible while others find it very stressful. Being cognizant of one's own level of comfort in new situations will help students choose a country that suits their personality. For instance, someone who finds it difficult to acclimate should choose a culture similar to their own while someone else may get the most out of their experience by choosing a country where the culture is completely opposite from their own. 
For further information about higher education in individual countries, visit Future Concern Associates (Pvt) Ltd 

Overview of World Regions for Studying Abroad

A very simple thing that Pakistani students have to consider when deciding where to study abroad. With locations in America, Europe, Canada, Australia becoming more open to international students, the options are more varied than ever. Understanding higher education in various regions of the world will help Pakistani students narrow down their choices. This effort may be most helpful for Pakistani students considering direct admissions to higher education institutions in the regions that are the most commonly chosen by study abroad students. 


With its well-respected history of higher education, Western Europe has remained the most popular region.
A bonus for EU students is that the Bologna Agreement of 1999 standardized degrees so that all degrees are comparable among the signatory countries, making it easier to attend graduate school and find jobs after graduation.
Home to centuries-old universities and a long, well-respected history of higher education, Europe has remained the most popular region for students to pursue international studies. Well over a million students from around the world leave home to study in a European country each year. Many of these students are European Union residents who can now enroll in any other EU country's university and pay local tuition rates.
Each country has its own admissions policies and within each country, institutions often have their own admissions policies as well. Students typically need to prove their fluency in the foreign language that classes are taught in and are typically required to possess health insurance.
Admission to the highest ranking universities in Western Europe can be very intense as they are some of the best in the world. In some cases, students will need to have completed some higher education before being admitted. Quotas that limit the number of non-EU international students that can study in a country exist in a number of countries.
America & CANADA
America is a very popular region for study-abroad students given its reputation for high quality universities and colleges. The United States hosts over 500,000 foreign students a year while Canada hosts over 100,000 students annually. Admissions to American universities are run by each institution individually but they almost universally require submission of results from some tests. Fluency in English is required except in some Canadian schools where fluency in French is needed instead.
Tuition in the United States is among the highest in the world so international students who study independently in the US need to take this into consideration.


Australia and New Zealand offer high-quality education and a familiar culture.
Australia and New Zealand are appealing locations for English speakers to study abroad, offering high-quality education and a familiar culture for United States  and United Kingdom students. In recent years, about more than 18 percent of higher education students in Australia were from abroad - the highest percentage in the world. Since these countries are in the Southern Hemisphere, their school year runs from late January through early December. Students from the Northern Hemisphere need to plan carefully when scheduling a short-term study abroad experience into their regular school schedule. Tuition for international students is only slightly lower than what they may pay at a school in the US. 
For further information about higher education in individual countries, visit Future Concern Associates (Pvt) Ltd 

Admissions policy for Students

The aim of the Policy for  admission in Colleges of the University of Cambridge offers admission to students of the highest  irrespective of social, potential , racial and financial considerations.
Further aims are:
  • Fairness: to ensure that each applicant is individually assessed, without partiality or bias, in accordance with the policy on Equal Opportunities, and to ensure that, as far as possible, an applicant’s chance of admission to Cambridge does not depend on choice of College
  • Aspiration: to encourage applications from groups that are, at present, under-represented in Cambridge
The University’s contract with the Higher Education Funding Council for England means that there is, in effect, an upper limit on the number of international students we can admit. This constraint makes the competition for places particularly fierce among international applicants.
Once students are admitted, they ensure that they are given the academic, personal and, where appropriate, financial support necessary for successful completion of their course at Cambridge.
Once students have applied then the principle detailed above takes absolute precedence. We will not introduce targets or quotas for people from specific backgrounds as we feel very strongly that applicants should be admitted on academic merit and potential to succeed in their chosen course.
Our widening participation strategy within the UK has for a number of years focused on trying to ensure that students with the ability to succeed at Cambridge are not deterred from applying by any of the myths and misconceptions that continue to surround the University. Other activities within our diverse and extensive portfolio of outreach projects seek to introduce students to the range of degree courses we offer and to support and enrich the study of subjects at school/college.
Detailed selection criteria vary from subject to subject but in all we are looking for:
  • academic ability and potential;
  • motivation and suitability for the chosen course;
  • Commitment and self-discipline.
Every applicant is considered individually in an holistic assessment using all the information available to us:
  • their academic record, including GCSE and AS (or equivalent) grades and marks and A Level (or equivalent) grades or predictions†, this record being considered in the context of the quality (but not type) of schools/colleges at which it was achieved;
  • the school/college reference;
  • the personal statement;
  • submitted work, where requested;
  • test results, where a written test forms part of the assessment
  • Performance at interview, if interviewed.

In each subject we have moderation procedures that enable Colleges to compare the quality of their own applicants with those to other Colleges before deciding who will receive an offer, and our pool system provides the opportunity for applicants squeezed out by the competition at one College to receive an offer from another as part of these procedures.
To try to ensure that all applicants and their advisers have access to up-to-date and factually correct information, we provide exhaustive information about all aspects of our admissions procedures through our extensive range of publications and our website.
Ultimately, all admissions decisions are based on academic criteria, and excellence in an extra-curricular activity will never ‘compensate’ for lower academic potential.
Our policy with regard to recruitment of overseas students is detailed in the separate International Undergraduate Admissions statement. For more information visit Future ConcernAssociates (Pvt) Ltd, Lahore

Wednesday 1 August 2012

What are Entry Clearance, Rules, Admission in Educational Institute/Universities UK

Future Concern Associates is leader in immigration and student visa consultants in Pakistan.Future Concern Associates takes immigration rules and regulations very carefully and guide people who are interested in immigration. Here   Future Concern discusses important immigration pre-requisites
What is an entry clearance?
A United Kingdom entry clearance is a visa or an entry certificate which you apply for before you travel to the United Kingdom. Even when you hold an entry clearance you will still need to pass through immigration control at the United Kingdom port of entry, e.g. Heathrow or Gatwick. But if you are holding an entry clearance you will not be refused permission to entry the United Kingdom unless there has been some change in your circumstances or you gave false information (discouraged by Future Concern) or did not disclose important facts when you obtained the entry clearance. Holders of entry clearances may also be refused on medical grounds, if they have a criminal record, if they are subject to a deportation order or if there are other exceptional reasons why they should not be admitted.
When you arrive in the United Kingdom, you may be questioned by an Immigration Officer so take all relevant documents in your hand luggage.
The Rules
According to   Future Concern you must be able to support and accommodate yourself and any dependants and pay for your studies without working in the UK and without recourse to public funds. It is acceptable for support and accommodation and the cost of your studies to be provided by relatives or friends in the UK. Future Concern also states that it is not necessary to have finalized your arrangements but you must intend to study at a university, a college of further education, independent school or other genuine private educational institution. You must also be able to follow your intended course.
  Future Concern also states that your course of study should occupy the whole or a substantial part of your time (as a general rule at least 15 hours a week organized day-time study of a single subject or of directly related subjects leading to a particular qualification). You must intend to leave the UK when your studies are completed.For this u can visit at Future Concern Blog
How to apply for a student entry clearance?
  •   Future concern helps you in applying for an entry clearance you should fill in form IM2A (and related forms if applicable).
  •   Future Concern will submit your application form on your behalf by hand or by post together with:
  • Your passport* (required by Future Concern as per requirement)
  • Two recent passport-sized photographs (required by   Future Concern as per requirement)
  • The entry clearance fee which is non-refundable (required by   Future Concern as per requirement)
  • Any relevant diplomas or educational certificates which you hold (required by   Future Concern as per requirement)
  • A letter from the University, College or School confirming your acceptance for the course of study in the UK and a statement of charges for the course (arranged by Future Concern as per requirement)
  • Evidence of Government sponsorship (if appropriate) (required by   Future Concern as per requirement).
You should not buy a ticket or pay all or part of the cost of a course of studies if delay or refusal of your application will result in financial loss. The entry clearance officer may ask you for other documents: production of those listed above does not guarantee that entry clearance will be issued.
  Future Concern takes every care in preparing this information. It is intended only for general guidance, and may, in certain circumstances, have been overtaken by events. Applicants should always clarify their position with The British Mission before travelling.
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