Future Concern Associates Future Concern Associates Future Concern Associates Future Concern Associates Future Concern Associates

Thursday 30 August 2012

Australian Student Visa : Who is this visa for?

About this Visa

International students studying in Australia on a student visa may require a guardian if they are under 18 years of age. There may also be exceptional circumstances where a student over 18 years of age may need a guardian for religious or cultural reasons.

The Student Guardian visa is for foreign nationals applying to stay in Australia as the guardian of a student who is studying in Australia.
You will need to read this information if you are:
  • applying for your first student guardian visa to Australia
  • already in Australia on a student guardian visa and want a subsequent visa.
In most circumstances, if you have a child under six, you will not be eligible for the grant of a Student Guardian visa.
In very limited circumstances, where you have a child under 6 who holds a passport of a country that is subject to Assessment Level 1 or 2 under the Schools Sector (subclass 571) student visa and you present compelling and compassionate circumstances as to why you should be granted a Student Guardian visa and you meet all other requirements, you may be eligible for a Student Guardian visa. further more click here

What does the visa let me do?

If you are granted this visa, you can:
  • live in Australia for the same length of time as the student for whom you are guardian, or until the student turns 18 years of age
  • bring dependent children with you to Australia, but only if they are under six years of age and meet specific eligibility requirements
  • study in Australia for up to three months. If you lodged your application on or after 24 March 2012, you have unlimited part-time study rights for English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) study only, (this means that you may study any ELICOS courses less than 20 hours per week for the duration of your visa).
For more information please visit : Future Concern

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