Future Concern Associates Future Concern Associates Future Concern Associates Future Concern Associates Future Concern Associates

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Medical Treatment


Visa Options

For people to travel to Australia for medical treatment for up to 12 months.

What's New?

From 1 July 2012, all Medical Treatment visa applications lodged by clients in Australia will be processed at the ACT & Regions Office in Canberra.

Living in Australia


The Living in Australia web pages contain information and publications about life in Australia, and links to government settlement services including help learning English. These web pages also provide information about Australian values and the cultural diversity of Australia's people.

Australian Values

The Australian government believes that new residents should be encouraged to learn as much as they can about their new country, its heritage, language, customs, values and way of life and to apply for Australian citizenship when they become eligible.

Australian Values Statement

From 15 October 2007, all applicants aged 18 years and over are required to sign a values statement when applying for selected visas. The statement requires applicants to confirm that they will respect the Australian way of life and obey the laws of Australia before being granted a visa.

Who does it apply to?

For most visa applicants the Australian Values Statement is included in the application form. There are two different values statements. The statement applicants will be required to sign depends on the visa they are applying for.

All provisional, permanent and a small number of temporary visa applicants are required to have read or had explained to them information provided by the Australian government before signing the values statement. This information is contained in the Life in Australia book.

For all other temporary visa applicants the Australian Values Statement is included in the general declaration section of their application form.

People currently outside Australia who are applying for a Humanitarian visa are required to sign the values statement at interview. These applicants will not be expected to have read the Life in Australia book, as the contents of the book will be explained to them at interview. This different process recognises the difficult circumstances often faced by Humanitarian visa applicants outside Australia.
There is a small group of visas that do not require the Australian Values Statement. This group includes and is not limited to:
  • Visitor visas
  • New Zealand citizens entering Australian on a special category visa
More information about which visas require the Australian Values Statement to be signed is available in the Values Statement Visa Selector. For more information click here

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